Hello CHMC/CHARIS High School family!
It goes without saying that we find ourselves in difficult times. But as God's people I know that we are able to see glimpses of the positive through all this. These are some that I see and I hope it encourages all of you to hear it: 1. God is still sovereign, loving, good, righteous, and just! 2. There are still so many things we have we can be thankful for: a home, running water, electricity, internet, life. 3. Lots of time to catch up on things I have neglected like reading that book or cleaning the house. 4. We are learning to appreciate more all the "normal" routines that we enjoyed before the virus such Sunday worship, going grocery shopping, eating with friends at the restaurant, etc. 5. Realizing our church family and our individual families are so precious and should not be taken for granted. Another reason to tell each other "I love you!". 6. We are learning to worship God outside of the church setting and in our homes. 7. We have more time to read the Bible and pray for others, leaders, governments, the needy. 8. Lots of opportunities to be and to discover Good Samaritans. 9. A chance to see and learn how other Christian communities worship online. 10. Learning what is truly important and what is not, what gives me joy or stress. There is so much more and I am simply thankful to the Lord. God loves you and I love you!